Atari Adventure
By: Scott Pehnke. Category: Adventure. Played 653 times today, 171,838 times all-time.
Atari Adventure: The Atari 2600 classic lives on, in Flash, on the web! Rated 4.5 out of 5 with 51 ratings
Instructions: TO START THE GAME PRESS THE RESET SWITCH IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE ATARI MACHINE! Use the arrow keys to move. Use the spacebar to drop objects. Find the Chalice and bring it back to the Gold Castle. Slay the dragons with the sword. Use the keys to open the corresponding color castle. Note: You probably won't "get" this game unless you played the original Atari 2600 version! :)
How to bookmark this game: Press Ctrl-D. Or try Command-D on Mac